Main Cabinet & Power Supply

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The controls for the machine include:

A good friend (Marty Escarcega) master minded the build of the control unit.  I was handed a shopping list and told to go at it.  A week later the unit magically appeared!

   Connetor Panel   


Completed control on the left. Acorn is located at bottom center with the servo drives to the right.  To the left of the Acorn is the Centroid Relay board. The 40 pound power supply is in the upper right.  The connector panel was CNC's from some aluminum sheet, then sprayed with gloss black lacquer.  The laser was used to burn away the paint to create the graphics.   Installed panel shown at right.


Installed control   Remote head

The installed control box.  It was HEAVY!  The power supply alone was 40 pounds...   I had purchased a remote head cable for the the frequency drive to make setting it up easy.  This translates to I don't have to crawl around to look into the cabinet at the VFD.  I decided that I should just make the control panel a permanently mounted item.